Dear Leonard. To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away. Leonard, always the years between us, always the years. Always the love. Always the hours... (Virginia Woolf)
E deja tipic. Sunt ultima persoana care vede un film genial, pe care ajung sa-l ador si numai la el sa ma gandesc pentru o perioada nelimitata- The Hours. Absolut genial. Posibil ca daca l-as mai fi vazut pana acum, nu as fi inteles nimic. De fapt, tind sa cred ca a venit la timpul potrivit si ca acum, mai mult ca niciodata il inteleg. Filmul prezinta povestea a trei femei: una care scrie cartea, una care o citeste si alta care o traieste.
[in 1921]
Virginia Woolf: [writing in her book] Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. [in 1951] Laura Brown:[reading in bed] Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. [in 2001] Clarissa Vaughan: Sally, I think I'll buy the flowers myself.
E vorba de Mrs Dalloway a Virginiei Woolf.
Cred ca tot ce as scrie despre film ar fi sa dau copy paste replicilor. Another quotable movie. E unul din filmele care te face sa "look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is". Te face sa realizezi ca viata e frumoasa. Sau din contra... "I remember one morning getting up at dawn, there was such a sense of possibility. You know, that feeling? And I remember thinking to myself: So, this is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And of course there will always be more. It never occurred to me it wasn't the beginning. It was happiness. It was the moment. Right then."
Nu pot sa scriu pur si simplu despre film pentru ca m-a marcat. Adica, am sentimentul acela egoist ca vreau sa pastrez toate emotiile simtite in timplu filmului doar pentru mine... Si cred ca o sa mai fac asta pentru o perioada.
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