joi, 26 noiembrie 2009

guilty pleasures

vreau sa incep sa postez unele dintre persoanele cele mai valoroase ale culturii, lumii care m-au impresionat recent. ce face plictiseala de-a 12a din om...

portraits- by Albert Watson

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009

it may have been

long time... so many happened and i just can't figure out why i'm so blurred? like never before...
my lust for life is wow'ing me every second after.
one minute i'm in and the next one i found myself bored, wondering, wishing...
i've seen- touched-felt perfection! wonder why,how come or the most logical of them all, why it didn't last? i've stopped asking myself that question... it makes you wanna die!
i entomb myself in memories, music, and thoughts
and once and for all, i cannot stop wondering why... although i so fucking know the answer!