joi, 9 octombrie 2008

i've found some kind of fairytale and i would not change it for the world

What could be more beautiful than someone who's thinking at you? Who's holding you, stopping anything that may come between you? Who's looking at you with "that" look. That deep, indecipherable look but at the same time so easy to interpret because of "that" smile...
I never dreamed that i would be the princess of the story, that i will depend of him entirely. Everybody dreams of this. The fact is that i was beginning to feel that my happily ever after will take only a few years. Three to be more exact (after "Dragostea dureaza 3 ani" Frédéric Beigbeder). But instead i found myself dreaming at an eternal embrace, wishing i would see the same smile every night and day that,
every morning I will wake up and the first thing I would want is to see his face.
It's so right to feel "that" hug every time you simply need it and to know that your acts are so decisive to someone else.
Allie: Look at us, we're already fightin'
Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
Allie: So what?
Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? (The Notebook)
And this is exactly what i'll do every time everything gets between us. I'm gonna think that my meaningless story became a fairytale because of him. That i became that star from "Stardust" who shined the most powerful when she was happy... with the owner of her hearth.

marți, 7 octombrie 2008

together they weren't afraid of anything... they would have dared satan and all his legions

Ireal. Este ceva atat de ademenitor , atat de superb, extraordinar, sublim incat ti-ar fi frica sa-l ai. Nu ai sti ce sa faci cu el. Intradevar, sentimentele intaltatoare trebuie sa vina cu un manual de utilizare.
Citatul este din Wuthering Heights (filmul) cu Juliette Binoche si Ralph Fiennes. Cred ca este cartea mea preferata de dragoste. Nu ma satur sa o citesc sau sa ma uit la film. De fiecare data cand il vad ma incearca cu totul si cu totul alte sentimente... Povestea dintre Heathcliff si Catherine mi se pare cea mai superba poveste de dragoste, care depaseste bariera realului, trecand intr-o lume a povestilor cu demoni si zane de demult. Iubirea lor este vesnica si-si gaseste implinirea atunci cand amandoi isi vor gasi in sfarsit linistea nu in aceasta lume. Heathcliff: Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on! I killed you. Haunt me, then! Haunt your murderer! I know that ghosts have wandered on the Earth. Be with me always. Take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this dark alone where I cannot find you. I cannot live without my life! I cannot die without my soul. Poate unele persoane si-ar face repede semnul crucii la auzul unei asemenea replici, insa pe mine ma strabate instantaneu un fior de incantare si de dorinta. O dorinta ca o anumita persoana sa simta ca, realmente, fara mine nu poate... S-ar putea ca mofturile mele de Scarlet O'Hara sa ii faca pe unii sa-si zica in sinea lor "Atunci, daca ai pretentii asa inalte, nu vad alt viitor pentru tine decat cel al lui Miss Havisham (personaj Marile Sperante-Charles Dickens)".
Nu, nu sunt mofturoasa. STIU ca o sa am parte de ceea ce-mi doresc pentru ca momentan gust din fericirea aceea divina. Insa si inainte de asta eram constienta ca am pregatit ceva superb. Stiam ca scenariul meu nu are cum sa fie unul fara intriga, sec. Trebuia doar sa-l las pe Scenaristul meu sa preia conducerea. Sa nu mai incerc sa detin si alt rol in afara de personaj principal al filmului vietii mele. Pot sa asigur pe oricine ca nu traiesc un "Tanar si nelinistit" infect. Traiesc un "Wuthering Heights" care nu are elemente lugubre in el. Chiar daca mai apar, ele nu fac decat sa-mi tina atentia in alerta asupra "scenariului" si a faptului ca orice poveste are si elementele ei triste. Insa daca stiu sa trec peste acestea, atunci partile frumoase ale vietii vor capata o stralucire aparte.
Heathcliff: If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day...
Traiesc acest sentiment si nu l-as da pentru nimic in lume.

duminică, 5 octombrie 2008

wish you were here

Ador sa merg prin ploaie. Am sentimentul ala ca sunt total invizibila si ca nimeni nu are nimic in cap decat cum sa ajunga mai repede... undeva. Eu una prefer sa merg incet si, nu stiu cum, ploaia are un efect anesteziant asupra sentimentelor. Ma face impartiala. Pot sa-mi gandesc la rece viata cu tot cu problemele ei si daca ma simt destul de in stare, si a altora.
Numai ca de data asta a fost altfel. Cand El imi tine umbrela si il tin de brat, orice numai "rece" nu sunt. Da, e adevarat ca ma simt blue si ca as vrea ca plimbarea aceea sa nu se termine niciodata, insa am senzatia aceea delicioasa ca "cineva" vrea sa mearga cu mine prin ploaie si nu doar pentru ca am umbreala:)
Eh, nu mai scriu ca mi-e ca o dau in filozofii dubioase si nu ma pasioneaza momentan asa ceva.